Flutter and Supabase Integration

Yawar Osman
3 min readJan 17, 2024


Supabase, often referred to as an open-source alternative to Firebase, offers a suite of tools including a Postgres database, authentication, real-time subscriptions, and storage. When integrated with Flutter, it allows developers to build sophisticated, scalable, and interactive applications. This article will guide you through the integration of Supabase with Flutter, covering aspects like database operations, authentication, real-time subscriptions, and file storage, along with detailed code examples.

Setting Up Supabase with Flutter

Before diving into the integration, ensure you have Flutter installed. Then, set up a Supabase project:

  1. Create a Supabase Project: Visit Supabase.io, create an account or log in, and start a new project.
  2. Get the Project Keys: Once your project is ready, retrieve the URL and public API key from the project settings.

Integrating Supabase in Your Flutter App

Add the Supabase Flutter dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file:

supabase_flutter: ^latest_version

Initialize Supabase in your Flutter app:

import 'package:supabase_flutter/supabase_flutter.dart';

void main() {
url: 'your-supabase-url',
anonKey: 'your-supabase-anon-key',

Database Operations with Supabase

Supabase uses Postgres, a powerful SQL database. Let’s cover the CRUD operations:

Create (Insert Data)

Inserting data into a Supabase table:

Future<void> addUser() async {
final response = await Supabase.instance.client
.insert({'username': 'johndoe', 'status': 'ONLINE'})

if (response.error != null) {
// Handle the error

Read (Query Data)

Querying data from a table:

Future<void> getUsers() async {
final response = await Supabase.instance.client

if (response.error != null) {
// Handle the error
} else {
final List<dynamic> data = response.data;
// Work with the data

Update (Modify Data)

Updating existing records:

Future<void> updateUser(String userId) async {
final response = await Supabase.instance.client
.update({'status': 'OFFLINE'})
.match({'id': userId})

if (response.error != null) {
// Handle the error

Delete (Remove Data)

Deleting records from a table:

Future<void> deleteUser(String userId) async {
final response = await Supabase.instance.client
.match({'id': userId})

if (response.error != null) {
// Handle the error

Real-Time Subscriptions

Supabase offers real-time capabilities to subscribe to database changes:

void realtimeSubscription() {
.on(SupabaseEventTypes.insert, (payload) {
// Handle real-time insert event

Authentication with Supabase

Supabase provides an authentication solution that supports email/password, magic link, and third-party logins.

Email/Password Authentication

Sign up and sign in users with email and password:

Future<void> signUpUser(String email, String password) async {
final response = await Supabase.instance.client.auth.signUp(email, password);
// Handle the response

Future<void> signInUser(String email, String password) async {
final response = await Supabase.instance.client.auth.signIn(email: email, password: password);
// Handle the response

Magic Link Authentication

Sign in users using a magic link:

Future<void> signInWithMagicLink(String email) async {
final response = await Supabase.instance.client.auth.signIn(email: email);
// Handle the response

Storage with Supabase

Supabase’s storage solution allows you to manage user-generated content, such as images and documents.

Uploading Files

Future<void> uploadFile(String filePath, String fileName) async {
final file = File(filePath);
final response = await Supabase.instance.client.storage
.upload(fileName, file);

if (response.error != null) {
// Handle error

Retrieving Files

Future<String> downloadFile(String fileName) async {
final response = await Supabase.instance.client.storage

if (response.error != null) {
// Handle error
} else {
final String url = response.data;
// Use the file URL
return url;


Integrating Supabase with Flutter opens up a wide array of functionalities, from handling databases with Postgres to real-time data subscriptions, user authentication, and file storage. Supabase’s compatibility with Flutter makes it an excellent choice for developers looking for an open-source and comprehensive backend solution. While this guide covers the fundamental aspects, Supabase’s full potential can be harnessed by exploring its extensive documentation and community resources.



Yawar Osman
Yawar Osman

Written by Yawar Osman

Project Manager || Software Developer || Team Leader || Flutter Developer

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